Desi Author of articles

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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • We learn how the blood group diet works: which foods are allowed, which are contraindicated for each blood group.
    2 August 2021
  • The basic principles of nutrition in diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, pregnancy in pregnant women. Prohibited and permitted products, sweeteners and hypoglycemic products.
    6 July 2021
  • You always want to lose weight not only effectively, but also easily. If you give preference to the Maggi protein diet, you can lose up to 20 kg in a month without exhausting yourself from hunger.
    30 June 2021
  • The need to follow a diet for gout, prohibited and allowed food ingredients. The consequences of not following the diet. Examples of menus for every day, recipes for cooking.
    6 January 2021
  • Most of the people who have to struggle with being overweight, immediately resorted to a restriction of the diet. To lose a large number of diets, weight promises to get rid of extra pounds quickly and efficiently.
    3 April 2020